Day 52, Shinagawa to Sakura (Chiba)




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After a great night last at Outland Japan I was super charged and ready to get this next week under way. It was starting to rain but I had some friends coming to run so I was super happy.We meet at 8 and off we went towards Ginza way.





Evereyone had so much energy and it was super fun . We ran our way though the city and past all the people in suits on their way to work. I really enjoyed it. Thankyou so much everyone. Awesome!!!

Ken Imaya from Bluetag was their running with me and on our way into Nihonbashi we stopped into Nishikawa Futon, they have been making Futons for 490yrs. Amazing aye. He made a couple of calls and we dropped in and meet Suzuki san. They have designed a Mattress and Pillows that are really great for your back and body while sleeping. Keep you in a good position . Ken and Bluetag hooked me up with a Air Potable Mattress. So awesome and really looking forward to trying it tonight. It rolls up and u just roll it out over your bed. Easy and feels great.  Suzuki san also gave us a few bath towels to use along the way. really great to meet him and the team and have their support. Ken your a legend thank you so much.  Please check out these mattress at  Nishikawa/Airsleep



Just up the road from NIshikawa is the center spot of japan. I mean where all the measurements to and from anywhere are takin from. It is in the middle of the road but I just had to get out there and get a shot of it.


Then everyone had to go to work so it was down to me Shingo and Yuri . Yuri who I had only meet yesterday with Miori had come to spend the day with us. Se wasn’t a runner at all she said but ran a amazing 12kms with me. Huge effort. congratulations.

We headed around the corner to go and visit Footmark and Vskins Headquaters. Ohga san has been looking after all the gear I have been using and today I dropped in to say a big thank you and hello. They have been supporting me right back from Running NZ. Their gear is awesome. a really fun team and great to work with.



After Yuri had smashed out her 12kms I told her she should rest and hang with Shingo . Straight to sleep it was for her for a good couple of hours.  Funny as. She was like I want to keep going ,Ill be right but as soon as I said no you did so well she was out and fast a sleep.

It was pissing down and I was wet to the bum but just gotta keep going. I got though a few Kms and then Yuhki turned up on his bike. he had been riding around trying to find us. Yuhki had heard about our run via a friend Eri who lives way down on Yakushima. I was so stoked when I heard that she had told him and he had taken the time to come on such a shitty day. awesome support from both of them. Arigatou

We got to the end of the 53kms at 5pm which was a little late but with only getting though 10kms by 11am after dropping in to see everyone we had made pretty good time. Straight to the shower to warm up and a good dinner we were all good again.

Then I had a call from Fukushima Fm radio and we did a interview that will be on air tomorrow night . Great to hear from Jun san and his mates. In the next week we will be into fukushima which is where i have been living on and off for the last 10 yrs. Like home to me and it will be a fun 5 days running though there.  Thankyou everyone see you soon.

After a busy day yesterday me and Shingo both are tired as. Got the new air mattress set up so I had better go test it.  I will will have a heap of photos to put up from the last few days soon. My internet is a bit slow at the mo.

Here is a map of todays run map    Click Here

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